Sunday, February 28, 2010

Some Random Short Little Stories...

Here's some favorites of mine from the trip....I have A LOT of favorites.

Is this Kaila, a kitten or the newest member of the band KISS?

Kaila and her cousins Zane and Isaac

One of the best rides at Disney is Indiana Jones. Kiana got to drive the jeep during the ride. She's a pretty crazy driver. Cant wait til she turns 16!!

This picture is for my sisters.... they know why.

At the show A Bugs Life. It was a great show! I love the glasses, wish I could have taken a pair home with me.

Sooo much like her Dad. :)

Our last night in Dinsey we played a lot of games trying to win some prizes. All I won was these 2 little ducks. I played Kaila in this horse race game (and about 5 other people) and she won this horse! She was so proud. Then us girls tried another game and Kiana won the big Dumbo. I think we went home with 8 or 9 of those little stuffed ducks. It's just a matter of time before Jackson finds them.

The girls with all their trophies!


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