Saturday, August 29, 2009

A rough month!!

Finally it is the end of August! August has kind of turned out to be a stressful month. I lost Jackson...but was lucky enough to find him 5 days later. And then a few days ago I got into a car accident with Garys mercedes. Not my fault by the way...some lady on her cell phone not paying attention couldnt decide do i want to go straight...or turn...or how about I just slam on my brakes during a green light in the middle of an intersection and sit and think about it. Not cool!

It has been even more rough over in Afghanistan. It seems like every time Gary calls there is stuff going on in the background that I really dont need to hear....or want to hear. He told me that a few days ago his group went on a big "mission" because of the elections going on over there. He said it was absolutely horrible but he also told me that he carried with him in his bag the Prayer shall that my Grandma Emmerich made for him...I think he rubbed it a few times for some good luck. And him and all of his guys made it back from their mission safely. Thanks Grandma. :) They have had A LOT of casualties this last month and its not getting any better. Please keep him in your prayers.

Here's some pictures from this last month.....

Jackson is back! He found this under my bed and was laying on it. It's the blanket from Kianas bed...he must be missing do I! I miss the girls so much!

These two pictures are for my mom. Once in a while I help our friend Joe out. Joe is a single dad of six kids!! So last friday night I babysat all six, plus their dog and Jackson. Mom called me while I was at their house and she said "what are you doing, where are you!?" She put me on speaker phone and her and dad thought it was hilarious listening to me chase around these kids and be the referee between these two dogs. In this house there is no "time out" corner...I am making a penalty box...5 minutes for rough housing! I dont know how but I managed to take care of them all, no one got hurt and I got them all fed, showered and put to bed. We also all went for a walk...with the dogs. I am so brave!! But I do have to admit the two older ones are like 9 and 11 and are a tremendous help with the 4 little ones.

Poor poor Ben...yes I named Garys car. His name is Ben. This is the damage. It may not look like a lot but it is NOT cheap to fix.

So I will end this blog on a positive note... we have 3 months of this deployment down and 9 to go!! A quarter of the way done!! Time needs to keep flying by! 4-5 more months til I get to see him and the girls for 2 whole weeks during mid-tour. I cant wait! We already started planning our vacation...time just needs to hurry up so January/February can get here!


Gramma said...

Sorry about Ben's bump!!He can be fixed up, I am thankful that you are ok. We have been watching the news reports for over there--We need to remember to have faith in God to keep our guys safe, Melissa. He will take of Gary. Prayers from here on stateside are helpful too. Have FAITH!!!

Photos by Julee said...

Melissa - Thinking about you and Gary a great deal....and praying a lot. Hopefully, the next few months will go by more uneventful and safer for all. Take care and lots of love coming your way. Julee